Tainted Milk Kills 4 Babies in China
China's Tainted Milk Scandal Leaves Another Baby Dead, and Many Unanswered Questions
By BETH LOYDBEIJING, Sept. 18, 2008
A fourth baby has died in China after developing kidney stones as a result of drinking Sanlu milk powder containing the chemical melamine, used in making plastics, that was added to formula to make it appear to have more protein.
The deaths have reached across this vast country of 1.3 billion people, the latest coming in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region.
The China Health Ministry says more than 6,000 babies were sickened after drinking the formula, and the number is likely to rise. The government has made a big push to prevent more deaths, but many questions remain unanswered and parents are angry and fearful.
The first cases of kidney stones were reported to local officials back in March.
Last week the Sanlu Group, the largest and most profitable milk powder producer in China, issued an immediate recall of milk formula made before Aug. 6, in the first publicly announced recall.
But officials in China's Health Ministry have said Sanlu knew about the problem six weeks earlier and delayed warning the public. And as early as July, a local TV channel in Hunan reported an unusually high number of infant kidney stone patients
BY BETH LOYD2008/9/18 北京